Do you ever think to improve your website security? Well, sometimes the best methods to complete some tasks are the simplest ones. You know that you must keep your website secure and safe from hackers and the bad guys, but once you dig into the rabbit hole of your website vulnerabilities, you’ll find many complex situations and problems and convoluted solutions. Still, there are many practices you should learn to improve your website security.
Well, here are our six easy ways to improve your website security:
1. Make Sure Your Software is Up-to-Date
It’s important that you keep all your platforms and scripts updated. Hackers mostly target security flaws in proper web software, and the software needs to be updated to fix security holes. It’s very important to main your software and keeps it updated.
2. Use a Strong Password Policy
It’s important that you use strong passwords rather than using simple ones. Hackers frequently use sophisticated software that uses hacking attacks like Brute Force to crack passwords. To protect your password again Brute Force, your password must be hard to crack and be complexed. Your password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers. This password policy must be followed by your company or organization.
3. Use SSL Encryption on Your Login Pages
Make sure you use SSL encryption on your login pages. SSL encryption allows sensitive information to be transmitted safely. Sensitive encryption means social security numbers, credit card numbers, and login credentials. If the information added on a landing page is encrypted so it’s meaningless for hackers who might interrupt it. This helps prevent hacker attacks and prevent hackers to steal your sensitive information or private data.
4. Use a Secure Web Host
Using a secure host from a reputable company is very essential for your website security. Make sure the web host you choose is aware of these threats and devoted to helping you keep your website secure. Make sure your host back up your data to a remote server, in case your website gets hacked, you can use that data to restore your website. And make sure you only choose a host who provides technical support to help you in hard times.
5. Don’t Forget to Clean Your Website
Every application, database, or a plugin on your website is another valid point for entry of a hacker. You should delete your databases, files, images, or any kind of data you’re using on your website that’s no longer in use. It’s important to keep your data structured and organized to keep track of changes and update and to make it easy to delete unnecessary data.
6. Backup Your Website
You must backup your site regularly and maintain backups of your site databases and files in case your site becomes inaccessible and all your data is lost. Your web host should provide regular backups for your site on their own servers. If they not, you can use some plugins to keep backups of your data regularly. Some CMS’s (Content Management Systems) have pre-installed extensions and plugins which automatically create backups for your site so you don’t have to worry about that part.